New Beginnings

Blogging. Okay… so everyone and their mom is doing it, right? I guess I am a little late to this fun train but I decided to hop on. Choot, choot!! I have no idea what the heck I am doing-when it comes to blogging, but what I do have confidence in is my eye for fashion and picking out a cute outfit!! I guess in the age of social media; fashion, styling and blogging go hand in hand.

I feel like all of us have a voice inside our heads which whispers (or sometimes screams) to us about what we are meant to be doing. What fills our hearts with happiness. However, because life can be tough- we don’t always have the luxury to follow that voice, so what do we do?? We push it deep down and continue doing whatever else it is that pays the bills. But maybe that isn’t enough. That voice ALWAYS comes back louder than before and sometimes you have to listen to it. Its risky and its scary AF and you feel like the world is waiting for you to fail. But the saddest thing in life is wasted talent; wasting it away at a desk in a cubicle, working for someone else- instead of out their making your dream come true and carving the nitch you were meant to in making the world a better place. If you’re good at something and you work hard you will be successful. Here is to hoping. Here is to saying at least I tried…


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