My Story


Hello! My name is Kara and I am an Orange County, CA based stylist. Thanks for checking out my blog! Lets start with a little background on me… I was born a triplet! The middle child (by a minute) of 3 girls! Growing up there was a lot of estrogen in our household and a ton of pink, so you could say this is where my passion for all things girly, like beauty and fashion originated from. I was even in the running for best dressed in high school! (Maybe not something you brag about but hey, why not?!) haha

I majored in Public Relations from California State University Fullerton (Go Titans!!) and after a few years of corporate life and a constant unending passion for fashion, I decided that now was as good a time as any to pursue my dreams! I’ve styled my sisters and many friends for different events. I’ve come up with an amazing system for looking fabulous and packing for extended trips abroad. I can put outfits together for any kind of event and my style is versatile. I can do a classic look for a corporate event or wedding; or something fun and a bit wild with bright colors for a music festival. Fashion for me is like art and its up to my clients how far they want to color outside the lines! I love a good deal and consider myself budget friendly. I think it takes a smart blonde (like myself), to buy really cheap and still look very expensive.

You’re probably wondering why I chose the name “I’ve had this,” for my blog. The name was coined through a very tongue and cheek inside joke between myself and my family. Growing up I worked hard but always spent every nickle and dime I earned on the latest fashion. I could NOT be stopped! What true fashionista can?! My parents who were more conservative with their money always encouraged me to be saving, so any time I’d step out in a new number (which was pretty often) they would naturally ask “Kara is that new?!” To avoid confrontation of any kind I’d simply respond with “I’ve had this!!!” It became a running joke with my family and stuck. Fast forward a few years and I’ve found myself telling the same little white lie to my darling husband and as long as he never asks for “how long” (I’ve had the clothes), then we are okay! 😉

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you stay a while and for now I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Coco Chanel, “Dress shabbily notice the dress. dress impeccably notice the woman.”